7 most common mistakes made on LinkedIn

Networking • October 30, 2023

Did you know that 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates?

LinkedIn is the ultimate marketplace for recruiters, yet many hospitality professionals disregard the platform and make novice mistakes. 

1. Using LinkedIn the same way as Facebook

There is a lot of discussions as to what you can and should share on LinkedIn, but the general rule of thumb is to really think carefully as to who will read what you write. The key is that LinkedIn is a professional networking platform.

2. Missing a professional photo

It’s crucial to have a professional photo. Adding a professional picture increases your chance by 36 to be contacted by a recruiter. A recent headshot in your business clothes with a simple background is just right.

3. Thinking LinkedIn is a job platform only

A mistake that people make is to only be active on the platform or update their profile when they need a job. By the time that you need a job, you should already have a strong network, few recommendations, and an eye out inside the hidden job market.

4. Not personalising the invite message.

Have you heard about building relationships with connections? This ismple thing of writing a short message along your invite is the starting block of your relationship. It’s like a handshake in real life or a short introduction as to who you are. Sending a personalised message to the people you’re newly connecting with is an absolute must.

5. Asking for a job (or other favor) from strangers.

You should never just ask for a job, in any situation whether in person or online. It’s much better to ask for career advice or insights on the company/industry. Start by asking for a “virtual” coffee and do this in a polite and simple matter. You should also look into ways how you can give value to the other person.

6. Not, or wrongly, customising your headline.

You’re on LinkedIn to be networking which means connecting with new people regularly and actively be seen by employers. Whether you’re looking for a job or not, you should add more to it that shows your uniqueness.

7. Waiting to be unemployed to really use LinkedIn

You need to build your network by already connecting on LinkedIn, build relationships and your reputation. Even before you actually need it. It is an unfortunate truth, but you never know when you might need it. You need to think of your (LinkedIn) network as insurance. You pay for your insurance for months, even years, before you potentially use it. This way you do not become desperate on LinkedIn the day that you do need!

Article was originally published on EHL Insights of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne.

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